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Monday, February 26, 2018

The White House Can Be Set On Fire

Por dbloggers

Best-seller Fire and Fury: Inside the White House’s critics will be nothing compared to what will come to US president Donald Trump after the recent Florida shooting. Protests are already happening in that state that generally supports Republican presidents. Despite that, the citizens of Florida have been enough; up to the present several have been the deaths caused by gun shooting. Surviving students of the recent killing in a school of Parkland protested and sent messages addressed directly to the president who, according to their opinion, is far from accomplishing the union of the citizenship, and encourages hate and division.

Students and teachers from the school where the shooting took place said they will not overlook the incident and made a call to politicians to do something to protect American citizens. The protest focused their requests on demanding a higher gun control, a right stated on the 2nd Amendment of the American Constitution. They committed themselves as well to create a movement aimed at that purpose and to travel to Tallahassee, where the state’s government is, to demand an immediate response. Florida has not a law that regulates the right to use fire guns. Other Californian states allow relatives to demand gun’s suspension from who is considered a potential threat. Law also gives police the right to request protection orders, which means fire guns can be withdrawn for even a year. Connecticut, Indiana, Oregon and Washington are other states that have different versions of the red-flag law.

Gun controls one of the most debated issues in the Congress and every year main cause of heated discussions. Although recently Trump made accusations against Democrats for doing nothing when they could, they indeed have promoted restriction measures.

According to a Gun Violence Archive study, up to the date, more than 1 900 people have died bullet-gunned in 2018. Other alarming figures are: the daily average of people arm-killed in the United States is 96; of which 7 are children or teenagers, and an average of 13 000 people die due to gun’s homicides. And like if it is not enough, the 42 percent of civilians with arms in the world belongs to Americans.

Trump’s lack of political vision and diplomacy, from his thrown in Tweeter, blamed once again the Democrat former presidents for not passing any gun control law; he also did not mention anything on the 2nd amendment either. The truth is Donald Trump, despite being in his Florida mansion, spoke no evil and showed indifference regarding the tragedy where once again teenagers were the victims. After the numerous requests of the families and the media, the New York’s mogul, through his spokespersons of the White House, announced he will meet some students to hear what they have to say, as well as local and state security authorities. Likewise, he considered the event an opportunity to, one more time, blame the FBI of incompetent because of their lack of response after the complaints about the suspect, a move Trump skillfully executed to detour the attention from the investigation the FBI performs on him that is, according to the president, the reason why the FBI has lost its work’s concentration.

Republican senator Marcos Rubio agreed publicly, on national television, on a Democrat proposal to prohibit temporally the use of fire guns to people with previous police reports or considered a threaten for the community. On the other hand, Governor Rick Scott foresees a bill to stop the use of fire guns, to be presented in the legislature. Anyway, is ironic Trump, Rubio and Scott are some of the Republican politicians supported by the National Rifle Association, which at the same time is backed up by American legislators who generally approve few laws against the organization.

Last Wednesday, on Valentine’s Day, a 19-year-old boy named Nikolas Cruz, expelled from the school where the killing happened, used an AR-15, a semi-automatic assault rifle and shot to death 17 people. According to the president, the young man had mental disorders but, beyond his health condition or not, there is the National Rifle Association’s prerogative that offers any citizen over the age of 18 years old, the opportunity to buy and use an arm. The aggressor was described as a perturbed man, but he could get his gun legally.