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Monday, March 26, 2018

Robin Williams, a stalker or funny man?

Por freewinds12345

It´s not fair to speak badly about the dead. Less if that person was a close friend, almost a brother. Yet, with the madness of sexual scandals and misbehave in Hollywood, many actresses don´t look at the consequence and they try to get a slice of media headlines. Recently, Robin Williams’ co-start at Mork& Mindy, Pam Dawber, said to the press that his show partner did gross things to her but at that moment she didn’t feel offended about the star’s misbehaves. According to Dawber, he repeatedly grabbed her breasts and bottom and exposed himself to her on the set.

Pam Dawber, who played Mindy, never took as an offence those things. The actress said that she forgave Williams because he was a funny man and was part of his personality, he was always joking. The revelations emerged on Pam’s interview that revealed part of her life during making the show. The revelations are contained in a new biography of Williams by New York Times journalist Dave Itzkoff, to be published in May, and were reproduced in the Daily Mail. Howard Storm, director of Mork& Mindy at that time, said that was Robin being Robin. He also said Williams several times was boring at the set and he entertained himself and the other by being naughty. The director added that sometimes Williams between line and line grabbed Pam’s ass or breast and he was required several times for it.

According to the book, Williams sometimes came to the set totally naked and he wrestled with Pam as a kid with her little sister. Also, he touched an elderly woman playing Mindy’s grandmother. Dawber, now 66 years old, said that at this time anybody in the role would be horrified and probably Williams had several lawsuits on his back, but she thought that were ingenious jokes. Dawber said, in addition, Williams after every grabbing looked with puppy eyes asking for forgiveness. Garry Marshall, the show’s producer, reminded that sometimes Williams took his cloth off and stood totally naked in front of Pam when she was trying to act. He was always looking to blush Pam instead of stalking her. It was the ‘70s.

Those anecdotes are a clear proof that now, after Weinstein’s case, all the industry workers who consider being sexually harassed lawsuit their colleagues. It’s rightful to denounce persons like Harvey Weinstein and Larry Nassar, but not to turn into paranoia those kinds of guileless jokes that sometimes look for distress after long hours of hard working.

In fact, Pam said in the interview that her relationship with Williams was like bros. She also described Williams as a man with a “gigantic heart”. “I really loved Robin and Robin really loved me,” she said.

Mork& Mindy was broadcasted from 1978 to 1982, where Robin Williams played an alien.The show was Williams’ beginning on media of a successful career years later. After the show he starred Good Morning Vietnam, Dead Poets’ Society, Mrs. Doubt Fire and Good Will Hunting, in which he won an Oscar for best supporting actor in 1997.

But real problems are under the surface. Williams, a funny man for everybody including the audience and his fans suffered several times from depression, drug addiction and mental health disorders. He killed himself in 2014; according to a medical report he was diagnosed with Parkinson and Lewy body dementia.