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Thursday, March 1, 2018

Trump's son-in-law, again on a tightrope

Por sumily

The son-in-law of the president of the United States, Jared Kushner, is not an individual outside the biggest scandal of the mandate. He was one of Trump's advisers who most decidedly, against the chief strategist, Steve Bannon, to depose the director of the FBI, James Comey, after his refusal to shelve the investigation.

Since the beginning of the 2017 election campaign, he maintained a leading role with Moscow and this is demonstrated by the fact that in December he had a meeting with the radioactive Russian ambassador Serguei Kislyak in Washington and that he also offered to found a secret communication channel with the Russian president, Vladimir Putin. The special prosecutor also has in his possession thousands of emails that Kushner sent during the elections and in his last inquiries, he has inquired about his international contacts.

The worries that hover again over the son-in-law and adviser to the president, Donald Trump, have motivated his exclusion from the White House intelligence meeting and have given rise to doubts about his future. Undoubtedly, Jared Kushner returns to rock on the wire.

Against him plays not only his role in relation to the Russian plot, but the discovery that, faced with his inexperience and family trances, Mexico, China, Israel and the United Arab Emirates planned to manipulate him according to their interests. He who at one time constituted one of the paladins of the imperial court, has now become the weakest link. All pressures are coming together on Kushner, and it would be hard for it to continue without the support that the president still has.

However, his power is no longer that of yesteryear. Once in office, General John Kelly, the chief of staff, eliminated any direct ties he had with Trump and allowed him to enter whenever he wanted in the Oval Office.

Attenuated and without the relations of before, his results in the Middle East have been scarce, and his actions have not come into effect apart from the Secretary of State, Rex Tillerson, and the diplomatic corps. Less and less loved by the heavyweights of the White House, doubts about his political capacity increase when the thick network of external contacts he has sustained outside the National Security Council is revealed.

The intelligence services in their follow-ups, have brought to light a series of calls and meetings that took place, at the highest level and those that Kushner had not reported. According to reports revealed by The Washington Post, these are links to countries whose senior officials had discussed in private about how to influence Trump's son-in-law. The issues discussed were not made public, but for any of these countries the relationship with the North American power is paramount: Mexico, by the Free Trade Agreement; Israel, for its own survival and China, for commercial and geostrategic rivalry.

Although these dialogues did not transcend, the talks did achieve their purposes, which were effectively manipulating Kushner, because it is known that the United Arab Emirates examined the situation of their family businesses and discovered their weakness due to an operation real estate in Manhattan, which has formed a debt of 1,200 million dollars.