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Thursday, April 26, 2018

Bacteria: medullary issues to know about our body

Por sumily

A Dutch cloth merchant, named Antonie van Leeuwenhoek, was the one who started the study on bacteria in the human body. What started as a hobby where, in addition to making microorganisms, the plate was removed from the mouth, moistened with rainwater and observed for a time what happened, it became an impressive result.As the merchant himself said, once set in motion one of his experiments, "the human body contains a large number of animals that move extravagantly. There are so many, that the number exceeds the inhabitants of a kingdom. "

Van Leeuwenhoek was known as the "father of microbiology" who, in addition, stood out for being the first to execute observations and discoveries with microscopes whose manufacture he himself perfected.

To help the proper functioning of the ecosystem of bacteria that reside in our body, a varied diet is essential, with as many natural products as possible.The body weight of human beings has to do with a characteristic of the body itself; the 39 billion bacteria that inhabit it can produce effects, favorable or not, in the organism, which affects the way we see ourselves and our state of health.

Several specialists suggest that the balance between our cells and that of bacteria is one by one. However, due to its small size, its weight is equivalent to two kilograms. Although one-two kilos more is not to worry about, but if vital functions of our body depend on it, it is the fact that bacteria can decompensate all our body weight, for one or the other side of the scale, it requires attention medical and timely treatment.

Professor Tim Spector, of the Saint Thomas Hospital, in London, has dedicated several investigations to this type of living beings, most of them focused on discovering the functions that they perform, day by day, in our interior. One of their findings reflects that those that most affect body weight are those that reside in the intestine.

A study applied to twins showed that in the intestine of the thinner were certain bacteria that helped control weight by absorbing products such as fat and carbohydrates, while in his brother, more robust, these bacteria were not. The diversity of these microorganisms makes us respond in different ways to diseases and the conditions of the environment in which we develop. So, for example, those that are located in the nose are wet, while those located on the forearm are dry, and although these characteristics are common for all human beings, it does not mean that we face the flu states or other viruses in the same way.

These bacteria defend us from other microorganisms that are invasive and harmful to health, as well as infections and disease. One of the ways in which they protect us is by occupying space, which leaves no room for other unwanted and harmful "bugs" that put life at risk.

In addition, they help us in the regeneration of certain organs and, therefore, of the organism in general. However, its functions may not be solely physical; the specialists also refer to their supposed participation in our behavior and way of thinking. On this subject, studies are recorded, made in animals, which show how they affect mood, resistance to stress, anxiety and even personality. But it has not yet been proven whether it occurs in a similar way with the so-called "thinking beings".