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Monday, April 9, 2018

Sanctuary cities could start dying

Por qubano22005

Sanctuary cities could disappear. President Donald Trump, who has waged wars on several fronts, some of which have already emerged victorious, could win a new battle this time with the repeal of the Sanctuary Law or at least the elimination of several sanctuary cities. This time the state of Iowa is about to become the newest state to oppose the so-called "sanctuary" cities.

The interest in reducing the number of sanctuary cities occurs precisely during the current administration that has shown a special attention in reducing the number of illegal immigrants. Trump has threatened several times to withhold money from local governments that do not adhere to federal immigration laws.

Several members of the Republican Party hope that this week their law will receive approval for a better control of the migratory flow. On the other hand, several social activists consider that the elimination of the legislation would leave the immigrants residing in the United States helpless and favor a climate of repression and violence towards them, as well as racist manifestations.

However, Republican lawmakers believe otherwise and believe controlling emigration is a national security issue that would help the country to emerge from the current violence and drug crisis. Berenice Nava supports the idea that migrants will be discriminated against if this law is eliminated in several states of the nation. According to the activist, the authorities will have the power to question the "potential" criminals about their immigration status, under any pretext.

Holt de Denison, a Republican representative from an Iowa community, said the bill focuses on immigrants who live in the United States without authorization, some of which are suspicious delinquents. "This law is about, among other things, the safety of all people, citizens and immigrants alike," he said. On the contrary, analysts consider this is a republican rhetoric that has as background repression since immigrants can be stopped by unjustified causes and sent back to their countries of origin. Several Latinos in the United States such as Cuban Yuliet Peña, a resident of Homestead, Florida, think it is a cleanup campaign to eliminate migrants.

So far, the Iowa House of Representatives approved the proposal with 55 votes in favor and 45 against, a Democrat-backed it and five Republicans opposed it.

Thomas Homan, head of ICE, has already publicly declared his war towards the Sanctuary States, especially California, where they are trying to preserve the law in question in several of its counties and districts. Among Thomas’ most recent threats was to increase the number of special agents and deportation officers in California. The sanctuary state law limits the cooperation between local authorities and federal agencies regarding the detention and control of immigrants.

Donald Trump is irritated by this legislation since he considers it an impediment to carry out his American First policy and stop the flow of immigrants. The New York tycoon has already declared that this law protects dangerous criminals and their leaders should be accused of violating federal contraband laws. Even Jeff Sessions has already sued California for prohibiting police from turning suspects over to federal agents for deportation.

Unlike Iowa, other states such as Illinois approved the Trust Act, which turned this region into a “sanctuary” state. Republican Gov. Bruce Rauner, at the time, said it will benefit more than 500,000 immigrants living in Illinois, most of them of Mexican origin.

The law of the sanctuary has its historical antecedents in the “asylum in sacred”, also known with the expression "to take refuge in sacred". This was Middle Ages’ law whereby anyone persecuted by justice could find protection in churches and monasteries. According to this legal concept, any oppressed by the laws of the country could be protected by another authority, whether civil or religious.