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Tuesday, May 1, 2018

North Korea will deactivate its center of nuclear tests

Por Ruth92

North Korea is willing to allow the entrance of journalists and international experts next month to demonstrate that, this time, the thing is serious. According to the presidential office of South Korea, North Korean leader Kim Jong-un said to the president during their meeting last week that he will dismantle the center of nuclear tests in Punggye-ri, where he made the last tests.

Last Friday, Kim Jong-un began the first North Korean leader to step on the ground of South Korea since 1953. The president crossed the dividing line between both nations last Friday, and met face to face with the president Moon Jae-in.

In the historical summit, both leaders agreed to work to achieve the denuclearization of the peninsula and, finally, reach a definitive agreement of peace, since they just declare a temporary armistice back in 1953.

During the meeting, both presidents showed smiles and affable expressions. Also, they remarked that was a new starting point in the relationship between their countries, after years marked by tension. In fact, it was the first summit between leaders of the North and South in eleven years.

Now, all eyes are set on the meeting between Kim and the American president, Donald Trump, that will take place soon, actually, last Saturday Trump said that the encounter could take place on the next three to four weeks. On the other hand, denuclearization will also be one of the main topics during the meeting, after the progress of the military and nuclear program of North Korea the last years.

Yoon Young-chan, spokesman of South Korean presidential office, pointed out that Kim said to Moon that he would carry out the nuclear testing center’s closing on next month. According to Seul, experts from South Korea and United States will be invited to see the dismantlement to open the process to the international community with transparency.

The presidential office also said that North Korea will change its time zone to match it with the South Korean. Now, they have an hour and a half of difference.

Pyongyang hasn’t made public comments about it, although its official media have informed about Kim’s visit to South Korea and the denuclearization. Kim Jong-un had already announced that he would close the Punggye-ri’s nuclear testing center, but now he is going further making it in a public way.