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Friday, September 7, 2018

Donald Trump's personal vendetta in Washington

Por dbloggers

The security credentials have become the bone of contention within Washington and the president of the United States is the one who is causing the politicization and commotion inside the White House, because every time he feels threatened, he revokes the credential to the opponent of his thoughts. An official of the Department of Justice fell into the network of the revocations of Donald Trump, in a pure dictatorial act, while the Congress of the United States watches peacefully. Several news cables indicate that the capital sin of the official is to be the husband of a person who wrote a dossier on the ties of Trump's campaign team with Russia.

The ink of the headlines is still fresh reporting the removal of the credential to former CIA Director John Brennan. To keep Brennan's permits, Trump said it was a measure to control the "biased" federal investigation into Russian interference in the elections.

Bruce Ohr is part of the list of "embarrassments" as the president is describing all those who in one way or another collaborate with the investigation of the Russian collusion in 2016 elections. However, the executive hides behind the curtain of "leaks of security" and quickly execrates officials who have "violated" it. On this occasion the president said that "very soon" he will withdraw the permits to Ohr. "It's a shame", he said on Twitter and exhorted to dismiss the official within the Department of Justice.

According to Republicans, Ohr is responsible for contacting Glenn Simpson, co-founder of Fusion GPS. The firm, which specializes in inquiries into the past of rivals, hired British ex-spy Christopher Steele during the 2016 presidential campaign to gather information about Trump and his ties with Russia.

Ohr's wife, Nellie, worked for Fusion GPS during the campaign and Trump has complained about it in numerous tweets, showing it as proof that the investigation is unfair. The president has been determined to show all that is part of a witch hunt and a campaign by the Democrats to make him fall due to the defeat of their candidate Hillary Clinton.

However, despite the statements of the New York’s millionaire, security officials have not stopped criticizing his attitude, for imposing such a measure against Brennan and now Bruce Ohr.

As he did with John Brennan, Donald Trump continues his battle to get rid of all those who have given or consider him to have information about his ties to Moscow. However, the curious thing is that he is doing and undoing at will and nobody stops him. Donald Trump is achieving coercion and fear within the West Wing. As in Inquisition, the security credentials have become the impaled head of the sideliners by the president.

The truth is that Donald Trump although he doesn’t stop saying on Twitter and on the media that he has no connections with the Russians, his actions prove otherwise. James Comey was one of the first persons to experience Trump's presidential power. His dismissal caused the appearance of Robert Mueller on the scene. Since then, Trump has embroiled a media battle against the Special Counsel, but now he is going further, taking action against anyone who suspects is filtering information about his links with Moscow.

Political analysts and observers inside and outside the United States are alarmed by the president's performance, because they consider his modus operandi as a political revenge to the purest style of the Cosa Nostra’s "vendetta". Even the Navy admiral who oversaw the mission to kill Osama bin Laden, William H. McRaven, called Trump's decisions "McCarthy-era-worthy tactics" and assured that "it would be an honor" for him that Trump revokes his license too.

Donald could be digging his own grave, since the admission to use his executive powers to stop the investigation that threatens his administration could be use as evidence by Mueller against him.