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Thursday, October 4, 2018

You will soon recieve a letter from Hogwarts

Por Tecnología Newsgur

As there are so many millions of Harry Potter lovers around the world, it's surprising that they have not yet created any videogame that meets the expectations of fans. Recently leaaked footage has revealed that maybe - and hopefully - they are working on it. "Set in the 19th Century (1800's) Wizarding World, this 3rd person open-world action RPG game centers around your character with unique abilities who has earned a late acceptance to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. You are a newly arrived 5th year student to Hogwarts that demonstrates a latent gift for magic with a unique ability to track and identify remnants of a pottant [sic] ancient power." 

Would you like to play such a game? 

