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Tuesday, February 27, 2018

Jerusalem, the holy apple

Nina: the music was her shield

The white hood, the new fashion trend in US?

The actresses have said 'enough!'

When bugs are not simple “bugs”

The Shape of Water, a groundbreaking or plagiarism story

The face of a woman hides the terrible

Historical presence of the "trans" in the Oscar

The adventures of Trump Jr. are expensive

Galaxy S9, an impressive proposal?

Monday, February 26, 2018

Weinstein: destiny or karma?

Heavy storms hit the US

Will Mike Pence and Kim Jong Un’s sister skate together at Olympic Games?

Attack at the United States Embassy in Montenegro

Moscow and Washington, the show must go on

Facebook, a dark Agent of the American Democracy?

The White House Can Be Set On Fire

Ghosts hounding Donald Trump

Thursday, February 22, 2018

Trump will speak with citizens affected by shootings

Democrat win where Trump was king

USA: anti-immigrant hate groups grew 57% in 2017

Iniesta thinks Camp Nou will make a difference vs. Chelsea