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Monday, February 5, 2018

Some safes not so safe

Por javier91

Avid travelers know that smart packaging means packing, but sometimes it is inevitable to be forced to carry valuables during the trip. Although the logical place to store jewelry, cash or passports is hotel safes, the YouTuber LockPickingLawyer recently suggested that some models may have a weakness that can leave items vulnerable to theft. "What I have for you today is a public service announcement in Saflok hotel safes," the Youtuber said, citing a unique brand of safe hotel. The video has caused great impact in the networks and has been virilized after a short time of being published.

LockPickingLawyer then placed a bottle of aged Lagavulin Scotch whiskey inside the safe and closed it with a four-digit code. He even tried an incorrect access code to prove that the safe was in working order, and the door remained locked securely. However, LockPickingLawyer states that the safe is still susceptible to theft, despite all external appearances. "What this hotel did not do was reset the administrator password that comes from the factory, if we enter the superuser mode that comes from the factory ... this hotel safe will open immediately," he says, an original combination is not required. "If you're ever in a hotel that has one of these Saflock products, it might be a good idea to make sure the hotel has reset the administrator password to protect your products," he said.

TripAdvisor, in the same way, has noticed that it may be a good idea to pack a combination suitcase lock or a laptop cable lock for a long journey in search of irreplaceable belongings. Better yet, take advantage of the safes in the hotel's common offices, noting that they are generally safer than the safes in the room. "Hotels are often responsible for stolen locker safes, but not for stolen safes in the room, if you travel with fine jewelry or family relics, the safe is the place for them. I receive in writing everything I leave at the reception, "says the store.

The Youtube channel owes its name to Lock Picking, which is the technique of unlocking a lock by manipulating the components of the lock device without the original key. Although the selection of locks can be associated with criminal purposes, it is an essential skill for the legitimate profession of locksmithing, and is also pursued by law-abiding citizens as a useful ability to learn, or simply as a hobby (locks).