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Wednesday, March 21, 2018

CIA director should be in jail

Por dbloggers

Sometimes in American policy, good things or curiosities happen. For the first time in US history,  a woman will become the CIA Chief Director, Gina Haspel. At her age, she never had in mind to manage the most important and influential intelligence agency in the world. But her dirty will be hard to disguise in front of the US Senate and the world.

Well known by her use of the water-boarded method to get information, Gina has been a tough agent that accomplishes every kind of mission even if that implies human rights violations. Her dirty agent folder includes the torture of a Thailand suspect, Abd al-Rahim al-Nashiri.

Despite the unreal decision of the president, several co-workers considered she was a bad option for US diplomacy and the government’s public image. John Kiriakou, a former CIA officer, said in an interview that over 50 women in Washington are qualified for the job and Gina waterboarding and torture´s involvement disqualified her.

For several analysts and despite Donald Trump declared to dislike George W. Bush terrible methods during war, his selection of Haspel reminded Bush era. In those years America’s diplomacy wanted to be the guardian of political order and for that reason, it was always in the center of attention due to the violations of human rights and torture of demoralizing images of prisoners at Guantánamo Bay and Abu Ghraib. Gina was one of the involved that oversaw the “improved interrogation” techniques.

There are senators that are opposite to Gina’s nomination as CIA director, for instance, Rand Paul, first Republican senators against it. Besides, Democrats have already said they would vote against Haspel after Rand Paul announced his willing to block the nomination.

On the other hand, John McCain, a notorious Republican, agreed that Haspel must explain the nature and extent of her involvement in the interrogation program during the Bush administration, according to him one of the darkest years of American history.

Why do Senate many members will not approve Gina’s candidacy? The main reason is because of her terrible past. At 61 she spent many years in undercover operations, which is not bad if we don’t count the time she worked supervising the secret “black site” prison in Thailand, named, in code, “Cat’s Eye”, where she practiced waterboarding torture technique.

Gina is not a good picture of American policy. She connotes US force use to get information, which shows they don’t care about the past of their officials. Besides, Gina’s creations were denounced and criticized for years by several international governments, many of them US´s allies. Last year the European Center for Constitutional and Human Rights claimed her arrest due to her implications in badly-performed interrogation. Feinstein, the Democrat who chaired the Senate intelligence committee, asked to release classified reports about CIA interrogations.

Mark Fallon, a former chief investigator, believes that is a risk for America to have a CIA director who it may be judged and arrested when she travels overseas for her war crimes. Fallon, furthermore, said she is not the person for the position referring to the evidence tapes that she destroyed.

If America has a president like Donald Trump it’s not difficult to imagine a woman like Gina Haspel to is CIA director, a cruel joke. During 2016 presidential election’s campaign, the current president said he would bring back all kind of tortures, even Haspel’swaterboardingold methods, although Jim Mattis declared it ineffective. Gina Haspel as CIA chief is a step back to Barack Obama’s 2009 banned “enhanced interrogation”.