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Saturday, March 24, 2018

It's not good to say certain things

Por sumily

The French psychologist Alfred Binet, in the early twentieth century, invented a test of prediction of school performance, to differentiate able children from the least able, the so-called first intelligence test. This type of evaluation led to others that were used by different schools to determine the income of students. In reality, they are tests that assess and estimate the different types of skills that people have.

According to the consulted specialists, intelligence and success do not go hand in hand. One is of the opinion that analytical intelligence is not accompanied by effort, work, good counselors and good parents is synonymous with failure while others emphasize that each person has a different concept of what success is.

In today's society wealth and intelligence are highly valued in the sense of the accumulation of many university degrees and important jobs, so you are smart.

If you ever heard or said the phrases "you are very smart" or "how smart is this child", you should start to rethink if you are right. Not for the qualifier towards the person you want to praise, but for the very concept of intelligence.

According to experts consulted by BBC World, believing that intelligence is ideal and cosmopolitan is a myth because there are many ways to understand and define it. They even claim that the phrase 'a person is intelligent' should be repealed. To say the first entry in the dictionary of the Royal Spanish Academy, intelligence is the "ability to understand or understand" and the second is the "ability to solve problems".

Therefore, the consultant in Education of the United Nations for Colombia, Julián De Zubiría, we planet a question, when someone says that a child is intelligent, generally think of a logical intelligence, rational, analytical and that is just a type of intelligence.

However, psychologists are not entirely in agreement with the meaning that appears in the dictionary. Several professionals of the American Association of Psychology in 1996 in the study "Intelligence: knowledge and unknowns" affirmed that the concepts of 'intelligence' attempts to clarify and organize a complex group of phenomena.

Although some degree of understanding has been achieved in certain areas, no conceptualization has answered all the important questions, and none has a universal character. When a dozen prominent theoreticians were asked to define intelligence, they gave two dozen different definitions to each other.

As a view of the psychologist Susana Urbina, who participated in that study, there was an eagerness to define intelligence as if it were a concept that everyone understands. On the other hand, for Julián De Zubiría, when one qualifies that someone 'is intelligent' he is committing several errors and the first is that he is talking about intelligence in the singular.

Indeed, yes, there are different theories that hold that there are multiple types of intelligence. One of the best known is that of the American psychologist and researcher Howard Gardner, who considers that there is logical-mathematical, musical, corporal-kinesthetic, spatial, interpersonal and naturalistic linguistic intelligence. According to other theories, there is also emotional, intrapersonal, creative and collaborative intelligence.