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Wednesday, March 7, 2018

Spain: no agreement on State Pact on Education

Por MRod

Specialists consider that both PSOE and Podemos are using the pact for political purposes, and that in the case of the former, Pedro Sánchez is already in the electoral mode and wants to distance himself from the government and recover the place of the left that monopolizes Podemos. The political play in Spain cannot escape elections.

Spanish political party Podemos left the negotiations on the education pact. A day after the Spanish Socialist Workers' Party (PSOE) did the same, and after calling associations of parents, teachers and students to serve as support, educational leaders in the Congress of the formation have announced that they also leave. "The educational community has asked us to leave and, if it asks us to leave, we will not continue in the Subcommittee," said Deputy Ione Belarra. Then, she has called for "mobilization", to "mobilize all sectors, to take to the streets" to protest against the Government and its education policy.

Sandra Moneo, PP spokesperson for Education at Congress, has assured that her party stays in the Subcommittee of the educational pact and has considered that "the left of this country has not been up to the historical moment for which we have been summoned for the citizens ". "It is clear that the exit of PSOE yesterday was a political strategy and had nothing to do with the educational debate," she stressed. "We are not going to participate in a pact that the educational community has considered a fraud since the beginning," Belarra said after meeting with representatives of the Workers’ Commissions (CCOO), the Student Union, Europa Laica, Renovación Pedagógica and others.

The spokesman of Education of Podemos, Javier Sanchez, has already pointed out what was going to happen in the afternoon: "The pact is in a dead way, if the issue of financing and that of the methodology is not solved there will be no educational agreement. Maybe we have to keep pushing in other ways”. Francisco García, head of the Education Federation of CCOO, explained to EL MUNDO this morning that "this leads us to a new scenario where it cannot be ruled out that there will be educational mobilizations to reverse the cuts, according to the Government's educational policy, which has generated widespread social and political rejection. "

Just the previous day, PSOE had left the negotiation of the State Pact on Education. After a year of meetings and more than 80 appearances, the great agreement that the entire society claimed, had been broken when the deputies began to specify issues. They were by point 2 of the script of a total of 15. Only the part referring to the diagnosis of the education system had reached the vote. Officially, the PSOE left because there was no agreement on financing.