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Sunday, April 8, 2018

ICE becoming warm

Por dbloggers

The National Emigration Service is once again under public scrutiny after a federal judge in California approved to interrogate it for a lawsuit that Donald Trump’s government has imposed against the state for pretending to protect the illegal immigrants that enter to the country. As it has been known, in some US states there is a certain dichotomy since legal authorities intervene with the federal government to avoid deportation and sanctions against illegal immigrants, some of which are accused of charges such as working without documentation. Judge Kendall Newman said that the head of the Immigration Control Service, Thomas Homan, will testify for allegedly violating three federal laws that harm the state of California.

As known, some state laws impede the cooperation between local and state law enforcement agencies with federal agencies such as the FBI. According to what it has been revealed, the lawsuit is based on a 45-page statement by Homan that makes explicit the lack of cooperation from the state in immigration matters as well as it denounces the departments and police agencies of the State of California of releasing immigrants who could be deported but instead were released. According to the highest authority, many of these offenders were carried out serious crimes.

This accusation adds to the government's attempt to imprison young people without residence permits who were brought since they were children to the United States and now, under the presidential management of Donald Trump, are threatened. It is not the first time that there has been a confrontation between local and federal authorities. Several weeks ago several commercial centers were subject of searches by the federal government with the purpose to capture those emigrants who did not have documentation and were breaking the law for working without papers of any kind. California in those days was the state that suffered the most from the investigations because about 80 businesses were reviewed and received notifications from the federal government. ICE agents sent notifications to establishments in Sacramento, San Jose, San Francisco and other cities in the north of the state.

However, the most absolute reality is that California is one of America’s States with greater Hispanic ascendancy and emigrant’snumbers due to its proximity to Mexico, in particular with Tijuana, through which thousands of immigrants enter during the year. Likewise, it is also one of the richest states in the nation since it host the powerful film industry where, in addition to the dream of becoming an actor or actress, there are the tourism services that can be offered.

Some Democratic senators have argued that local authorities do not help federal agencies, like Democratic Sen. Kamala Harris, who has counterpointed several times with Thomas Homan, interim director of ICE, who criticizes the existence of the State Sanctuary Law. This law establishes the non-cooperation between local police authorities and federal immigration authorities. A trivial nationalism that Donald Trump has spread throughout the nation is the fear of emigration as well as the rise of xenophobia and white-supremacist groups. There have even been cases where border patrols abused from the captured emigrants. In addition to the intensification of emigration control there is the Donald Trump’sobstinacy toconstruct of a border wall to help prevent the arrival of immigrants to the United States.