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Friday, April 6, 2018

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According to the story, McDougal, the former Playboy model, had a 10-month relationship with Donald Trump between 2006 and 2007, but the publisher American Media Inc bought it for the purpose of publishing it. Girl did not know that the real intention was to bury the story.

This is a case where a powerful media company took advantage of the plaintiff, Karen McDougall, with the connivance of her lawyer, to achieve her financial and political objectives.The funny thing about this is that the dates provided by Karen are the same dates in which Stephanie Clifford claims to have had a relationship with the president, who at that time was a former real estate magnate turned into a star of reality TV.

Karen McDougal, a former Playboy model presented for the second time a well-known complaint that seeks to break the confidentiality agreement that prevents her publicly disclosing a sexual adventure she had with the president of the United States, Donald Trump.

Apparently McDougal follows in this way the steps of the porn actress Stormy Daniels and opens a new front in the strategy of denials and threats with which Trump lawyers have been defending the president since 2016.Released by The New York Times in the first place, the lawsuit was filed in Los Angeles County Superior Court, as was Daniels, whose real name is Stephanie Clifford. Both narrate sexual encounters with Trump that happened more than ten years ago, when he had been married for a year with the current first lady, Melania Trump, and their son in common had just been born.

McDougal met Trump at a party at the Playboy Mansion in Beverly Hills.The two stories are known, even before Trump decided to run for president of the United States. But months before the elections in November 2016, both women were contacted with offers to bury their stories and not to appear in the press. In Clifford's case, Michael Cohen, Trump's personal lawyer, gave her an agreement that she and paid him $ 130,000 in exchange for her silence.

Clifford has made public that agreement and tries to annul it judicially with the argument that Trump did not sign it. For its part, McDougal's case is different. The girl filed a complaint against the publisher American Media Inc. (AMI), a company that publishes the gossip newspaper The National Enquirer. According to McDougal's version, AMI contacted her to offer her $ 150,000 for the exclusive of her affair with Trump.

It was never published.What really happened was that AMI bought the story to bury it. As part of the agreement, she could not discuss the matter with anyone else. David Pecker, CEO of AMI, defines himself as a personal friend of Trump and is one of its main supporters. In the lawsuit, the former model claims that the operation to buy her story so as not to publish it was done in a plot with attorney Michael Cohen. The Wall Street Journal and The New Yorker published the details of this operation, which is an example of the tactics used by celebrities to silence stories, but it did not have many echoes.