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Tuesday, May 1, 2018

Charlize gained weight to become Marlo

Por freewinds12345

No doubt, Charlize Theron does not care about her beauty, nor her slenderness if it's about demonstrating her talent and proving to critics and filmmakers that she is much more than a pretty face. The South African on this occasion raised 22 kilos to play Marlo, a mother of three children who fights daily until her brother, played by Mark Duplass, hires a babysitter called Tully, who then establishes a close bond with Marlo. The film Tully premiered in the United States and soon in Spain will show a Theron different from the usual "model" that is used to see the spectators.

From the beginning, one of the challenges for the Oscar winner was the "enormous" weight gain. Theron herself said that in addition to the psychological nuances of the character, she had to fight against her own physique to achieve the weight. The interpreter recognizes that her physiognomy allows her to maintain her natural weight as much ease. However, Marlo, it was something else.

Theron argues several reasons for having assumed this role that went even against his own physique. According to the actress few films have treated motherhood as a central theme and in a way as honestly brutal as 'Tully'. The protagonist commented that she is such a strong character that she would not have achieved it had she not experimented with motherhood.

On how she managed to challenge her own body, the popular actress confessed that she wake up to eat at dawn. She even revealed recently that sometimes she swallowed food because she felt committed to maintaining her weight. "Suddenly you finish eating and you have to do it again because it's your job," She recently commented to a magazine. In the regular diet to become Marlo, the actress also eat burgers of a fast food restaurant. In addition, she added processed food and sugar to her daily diet. According to Theron, to achieve the role of gaining weight was one of the ways she found to understand the mental state of the character.

This is not the first time that the popular actress starts a career for obesity. Previously in the movie Monster had to do it, and although it was not the same amount of kilos increase, the age at that time of the actress was only 27 years.

Tully, according to critics, reflects on the importance of going to others when it is most needed. He also talks with the viewer about the period in which mothers sometimes feel overwhelmed. And even feeling frustrated and exhausted becoming socially invisible and not being able to enjoy and take care of their children as they deserve.

Jason Reitman was the director of Tully, written by Diablo Cody. Previously both artists came together to create 'Juno' (2007) winner of an Oscar for best screenplay. Then they would repeat with 'Up in the Air' (2009), a film that was also nominated for the academy awards. In both Theron with Reitman and Cody in 'Young Adult' (2011), a black comedy about an alcoholic ghost writer who returns to her hometown of Minnesota to restart her life.

In real life, Charlize Theron is the mother of two adopted children, and naturally she has not been exempt from the criticism of sensationalist media that has unfairly accused her of being a bad mother. She herself has stated that during her motherhood, friends and other people approached her and commented about how to raise their children better, a fact that she has detested, in her opinion, a mother knows or understands what is best for her children.

The actress adopted in his native South Africa a boy named Jackson, and a girl, August. In several interviews granted, Charlize has confessed the stressful process she experienced to achieve the adoption of the children. However, she has not denied the happiness that the life of her children has brought to her, despite the daily vicissitudes of being a mother, there has not been a moment to give up.