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Friday, May 11, 2018

Sexual attacks continue to grow in Spain

Por MRod

Sexual attacks are everyday news in Spain. No matter at the time you turn on the TV, there is always some report on the most recent sexual abuse. The case of La Manada is perhaps the most repulsive of the past days. The sentence has brought several manifestations of women who demand a different reality for them. But this is not an isolated case.

Sexual attacks which involved penetration increased in Spain by 28.4% during the first quarter of 2018, a period in which crimes against sexual freedom rose by 13.8% as reported by El Mundo. This is reflected in the balance of crime made public today by the Ministry of the Interior, which shows that the total number of criminal offenses (503,671) rose by 1.6% in this quarter compared to the same period of 2017.

The crime rate, which is the number of criminal infractions per thousand inhabitants, stands at 44.1, which according to the Ministry shows a stabilization despite the slight increase that has occurred during the year 2017 (43.9) and in the first quarter of 2018.

The balance details that in total, in the first quarter of the year, crimes against sexual freedom amounted to 3,025, of which 371 were assault with penetration. The rest of this group of crimes rose 12% (2,654 in total). This is the continuation of a trend that already reflected the crime balance of all 2017, in which the set of crimes against sexual freedom rose by 7.8% with respect to 2016, and among them sexual assaults with penetration increased by 10, 6%. Sad but terrifying facts.

In addition to the increase in the number of crimes recorded in the first quarter of 2018, the most notable was that of kidnapping (46.7%), as well as that of robbery with force in homes, establishments and other facilities, 1.6%. Within this last section, home thefts increase, by 4.9%. Criminal offenses related to drug trafficking also increase by 4.8%. On the contrary, the report reflects decreases in crimes such as vehicle theft (8,777, 19.7% less than in the same period of 2017), or intentional homicide and attempted murder (172, 17.3% less) and the intentional homicides and murders (74, 6.3% less). Thefts also went down with violence and intimidation (14,384 in total, 7,1% less), thefts (-2%) and the crimes of tumultuous injuries and fights (-1%).

By Autonomous Communities, the one that registered a greater increase in crime was Catalonia, with 109,288 criminal offenses, 12.6% more than in the first three months of 2017. The Balearic Islands, with an increase of 5.5% and Navarre, with a rise of 4.9, are the following regions with the worst evolution. On the other hand, Extremadura is the Autonomous Community with the highest decrease in infractions, with a decrease of 5.8%, followed very closely by Andalusia (-5.7%) and Aragón (-5.5%). The autonomous city of Ceuta is the area experiencing the greatest drop in all of Spain: 15.7%.