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Friday, August 24, 2018

John Brennan and Donald Trump: another fight of the century?

Por dbloggers

If two former FBI bosses are after your steps in the United States, you should be scared. But now, if a former director of the CIA and two former chiefs of the FBI want to make you fall and unmask in front of the world, then you must be very careful and above all have a contingency or escape plan. Donald Trump will have to appeal to it, since now the blond guy from Manhattan has after his steps former CIA Director John Brennan, who has commented on the too many contacts between members of Trump’s campaign and the Kremlin. The revocation of Brennan's security accreditation adds to the list of members of the intelligence community who will not rest until they see the president on the floor.

John Brennan told the press that the campaign team of the current president colluded in the Russian interference during the 2016 elections. He also described as garbage the statements made by the Donald Trump about the disengagement with Moscow to plot in the elections. "It only remains to determine, if it constituted an illicit association criminally punishable", said ex -CIA.

Brennan himself reported that the Agency established a special working group with others such as NSA and the FBI to calculate the degree of Russian leak in the elections. He also reported that he warned Alexander Bortnikov, the head of the Russian intelligence agency (FSB) about the intrusion, and the latter said that he would talk to Vladimir Putin.

However, Trump’s team and the president himself violated security protocols by exchanging secret information with Russian officials in the Oval Office. According to Brennan, one of those protocols dictated sharing information only with the intelligence channels and not through ministers and diplomats. Second, the language shared with the Russians should have been approved by the agency that first provided the intelligence.

According to the former federal official, the signs of Russian intervention in the elections were evident since the summer before the elections. "I found myself and I am aware of the information and intelligence that revealed contacts and interactions between Russian officials and the Americans involved in the Trump campaign. I was worried because of the known Russian efforts to bribe such individuals", Brennan said some time ago.

Meanwhile, billionaire Donald Trump, in a statement read by his press secretary and distributed by the White House, accused Brennan of having "abused his status as a former senior official with access to very sensitive information to make a series of accusations unfounded and outrageous."

The declarations have set a continuous war between both of them. As with Mueller, Trump is throwing himself into the ring with a heavyweight. Trump has retaliated against the former director of the well-known agency and abruptly revoked security clearance, a fact that Brennan has not overlooked. "Obviously, Trump is more desperate to defend himself and his next ones, so he took the politically motivated decision to revoke my security accreditation in an attempt to intimidate and silence others who might dare to challenge him", Brennan stated.

Donald Trump's new diatribe with a senior member of the intelligence community of his country is a clear evidence of Trump's battle against members of the United States security agencies, about which he said he did not trust. His words during the joint press conference with Russian President Vladimir Putin that took place in Finland had a hard impact on agency officials, including Brennan, who has since that lashed out at the executive.

Several analysts agree that this is an unprecedented act of reprisal against a former top federal official, who is an outspoken critic of the current administration, in addition to maintaining that Trump chastened him to "silence others who might dare to challenge him."

James Comey previously commented that Donald Trump looks more like a mafia boss than the leader of the most powerful and "democratic" nation in the world. The head of state has the vestiges of a dictator because every person who gets in his way is quickly reprimanded. The ex-Secretary of State, Rex Tillerson, had a similar assessment of Donald Trump and according to media Tillerson's main crime was to openly oppose some decisions of the White House’s tenant.

On the other hand Donald Trump has stated he carried out the revocation arguing the involvement and bias of Brennan in the investigation led by the Special Counsel Robert Mueller.

Trump described his action as a "constitutional responsibility to protect the nation's secret information." However, Democratic congressmen said the move evokes the existence of a "list of enemies." Meanwhile, Brennan tweeted: "My principles are worth much more than accreditations. I will not give in."

The truth is that since Trump seized power, security accreditations have become the bone of contention, especially for those involved or who has contributed to the research on the Russian collusion. Furthermore, the intelligence community has not kept on trying to get "Donny" out of the way.

In addition to the capital sin of Trump to ask his country’s heads of espionage to deny his involvement in the Russian plot, there is the dismissal and Trump’s war against the "big bosses" of the security agencies.