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Tuesday, March 20, 2018

Actor Robert de Niro launches verbal attack against Trump

Por Nina

On the night Donald Trump made his first official visit to Los Angeles, actor Robert De Niro took the opportunity to once again give his opinion on US President Donald Trump during a speech at the charity Fulfillment Fund dinner and took the opportunity to affirm that Trump is an "idiot", despite having received a very good quality education at the University of Pennsylvania.

During the event for the promotion of university education the star of "Taxi Driver" also criticized the president for lack of "sense of humanity or compassion." "Now I'm not trying to turn this non-political event into a political one," said De Niro, 74, who used the first part of his speech to praise the fund, which works to empower young people through education. "But while the leadership of our country is so atrocious and so corrupt, I will speak in all places," said De Niro. "To be silent in the face of such villainy is to be an accomplice, and it's especially appropriate tonight because Trump treats education as a scam, a way to make a profit at the expense of offspring."

According to Variety, in his speech, De Niro said that "university studies are important, but studies without humanity is ignorance, look at our president, he went to the University of Pennsylvania, he had a quality education, but he's still an idiot". When the audience heard the name of Donald Trump, booed and De Niro added that of course, he had to overcome the curse of growing up being rich and pampered, maybe that had some effect. De Niro ended his speech adding that "in clear contrast to Trump's world of dishonesty and greed, tonight we celebrate generosity and devotion." The audience stood up and cheered the actor.

It is not the first time that the protagonist of Raging Bull charges against the head of the White House. On several occasions the artist has spoken against the president for his stance and attitude to various issues, to whom in 2016 he called "pig", "dog", "blatantly stupid", and added that he would "love to punch him". He has also participated in concentrations against him along with other personalities such as Alec Baldwin, Mark Ruffalo, Sally Field or Michael Moore. Magazines like Deadline and commercials have echoed the verbal insults of that celebrity.