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Monday, March 26, 2018

Donald Trump comes out from the wardrobe

Por freewinds12345

Definitely Donald Trump out from the wardrobe. He is no doubt a Vladimir Putin’s fan. He doesn’t care what the Senate or Congress think when he wants to praise his enemies. Either he is too dumb or he is too condescending and like a real Emperor forgives everything and regards his enemies’ greatness. If that is the case, I will bend my knees and I will start to admire him. Recently he not only congratulated the Russia president but also he defended his stand when congratulating Putin for his victory. He added Vladimir Putin was helping the mankind to solve crisis like North Korea or Syria. 

Despite Republicans and Democrats criteria, Donald Trump congratulated Putin and announced that they will meet very soon. According to the Washington Post the president was warned about not congratulating the Russian president. However, he seems not to mind. Washington has had several clashes with Moscow, with sanctions from both countries; warnings and hard speeches have been commonly part of the politics between them. Nevertheless, the White House dismissed the information and Communication offices said that whoever leaked it, it should be dismissed as a source.

It is not coincidental advisors warning not to congratulate Putin. During years the Kremlin has been the number one US enemy. If China is the economic rival of US, and on the other hand, Russia has become both, an economic political power. The strong correlation is more balanced since Russia raisedits economy. Moscow is one of the few governments that few times has agreed with Washington’s decisions. Russia has supported several Washington’s enemies like North Korea, the Venezuelan regimen, Cuba and all country that opposites US hegemony.

After Putin seized the power Russia looks more like the Soviet Union than Yeltsin’sRussia. Therefore, to congratulate Putin was a way to say the Russian president was doing things rightsince people reelected him, a gesture that proved quite the opposite of Washington’s policy. But Donald Trump admiration for Putin made him to impulsively pat Putin’s back (metaphorically speaking).

Still, a personal friend of Trump said he was upset due to the leak. According to the head of the State it’s not bad to praise Putin for his victory. He also tweeted that despite someone wanted to excoriate him, he didn’t do anythingwrong and he addressed that getting along with Russia is a good and not a bad thing. In a way he is right and maybe it’s his more consequently political idea. On the president’spoint of view, Russia could be the only nation that can help them to solve the many conflicts in which US is swamped in.

North Korea for example, Russia has the political and moral capacity to claim to Kim Jon–un. Syria, where Russian Intelligence is doing a great joband the Russian troops and air force contributed a lot to destroy ISIS´s army; and Ukraine, a conflict where Moscow has deeper interest and as one of the involved countries. Trump believes that they can join too to the fight against terrorism and arms race.

Trump congratulations became a trending topic after he supported UK restrictions against Russia due to allegations of having poisoned two British spies. Furthermore, Trump is still under investigation by Robert Mueller, US Special Counsel, due to the supposedly collusion.

After Trump’s statement about Putin’s victory, many of his staff members are wondering themselves about the state of the president’s mental health. Even John Kelly said that he should test the Donald Trumps’ nerves.