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Saturday, April 7, 2018

Cuba plans to invade Washington very soon

Por dbloggers

Despite the travel restrictions of the United States and the hostile policy towards Cuba, art has shown that it surpasses any obstacle and an unprecedented cultural event will mark a milestone in the artistic history of both nations. Representatives of the island will perform for almost a month at the Kennedy Center in Washington DC.

Around 400 Cuban artists will go to Washington to participate in a show called “Cuban Art Festival: From the Island to the World", which will begin its activities on May 8 with a great concert by Omara Portuondo and other musicians. The performances will culminate on June 3 with a performance by the National Ballet of Cuba.

However, it’s a mystery for the authorities of the Island and the representatives of the Kennedy Center if all the artists proposed by the catalog of the North American artistic institution will be present. The concern lies in the processing of visa applications due to the personnel reduction in the US embassy in Havana and the new measures to travel. This will bring several headaches to the Cuban cultural ambassadors. Currently, Cubans residing in their country who wish to travel to the United States must apply for their visa through Mexico. Previously, Colombia provided this consular service.

It is expected that the eight halls and the 22 meeting spaces of the Kennedy Center will host the best of Cuban art in several of its artistic manifestations from fine arts, music, dance, theater and the best of Cuban cinema produced in recent years.

So far, some 50 events have been programmed in which Cuban artists will show their talent, most of it modeled and shaped in the schools and institutions of Cuban artistic education system. The Cuban delegation to conquer the American public will be led by octogenarian Latin Grammy winner Omara Portuondo, along with renowned Cuban painters such as Roberto Fabelo and Raúl Diago whose works reveal the syncretism of Cuban culture.

Fernando Rojas, representative of Cuba’s Ministry of Culture, said so far the work relationships between the US institution and the Ministry of Culture have been the best. The official revealed that since December last year both countries have been working together to bring an artistic, aesthetic and professional high level to Kennedy Center’s halls. Despite the hostile policy of Donald Trump and the alleged sonic attacks of the island to US officials in Havana, Cuba has maintained a policy of no direct confrontation with the United States, as it happened years ago with Fidel Castro.

The Eisenhower, Terrace, Family, KC Jazz Club and the Millenium Stage will be the stages in which the American public will be able to enjoy the Cuban show. However, we must set clear that the American audience should be prepared for possible sonic attacks in which iconic band Van Van will tear into with the best of their repertoire. They will also succumb to the charms and talent of the jazz produced in the island, and to the presentations of the López-Nussa family.

The John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts was inaugurated as the National Center for the Performing Arts in 1971. To date, more than 20 festivals of this type have been held from countries and regions of Europe, Africa, Australia, Asia and Central and South America.